Thursday, 20 December 2018

Post 8 Personal Opinions.

Hi everyone, today I will talk about personal opinions. In my opinion, Opinions are an idea that are formed through experience and the perception of the environment. Now then, I will talk about one of my personal opinions. The topic that I choose is about how we take decisions. Everyday we take different decisions, in my case starting with if is worthy to get out the bed and go to university or stay lied and finishing with what will I eat for dinner. Decisions made up our personality but, how do we take decisions? Based on what? I think that decisions we take are based in previous decisions, as I said before I think that decisions made up our personality and personality determine the decisions we take. So, every decision we take go accumulating till we change our personality and at the same time go strengthening that personality, either good or bad.Consequently,  Bad decision build up and create a bad personality and as time runs is more difficult to change it. Ironically a good personality is easier to change than a bad one, because its easier to let the waste on the floor than pick it up and throw it in the trash can. So, in my conclusión good decisions are harder to take and good personalities are harder to keep.  Sometimes we take decisions based on its difficult to carry it out, sometimes based on a geater benefit like a goal, for example. How about you? Do you have a good or bad peronality? Which idea motivates  your decisions?

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